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cuba mission trip 

11–18 August 2018

EHF will be taking another mission trip to Cuba this August! We ask you to prayerfully consider helping us with the following donations:


Construction tools

Writing pads, notebooks & pens

First Aid kits

Cash donations that will go towards the purchase of Spanish Study Bibles for the local pastors.


Please drop your donations off at our Hospitality Table on Sundays before July 15th.


Cash or check donations can be dropped in the offering basket during Sunday or Wednesday services. If you're giving by check, please make it out to East Harlem Fellowship and in the memo write "Cuba missions".


To be tax receipted please fill out an offering envelope.


To give online click here and on the comment field please write "August Mission Trip"




The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.'

Matthew 25:40 NIV 


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