June 25th | 9am–3pm
What if preaching could do more than inform the mind? What if it could also be an instrument to transform the soul...of both the preacher and the listener?
The aim of this workshop is to empower local churches and church members with practical tools to train preachers to preach . Our hope is to help pastors and church planters train secondary communicators - including youth leaders and others - in developing robust, theologically informed, preaching pipelines.
This workshop will lead participants through interconnected stages of sermon preparation and delivery. These include devotional, exegetical, and contextual approaches to Scripture.
This workshop is open to both men and women. Together, we will focus on developing a robust theologically informed process for sermon preparation and delivery.
During this training we will focus on:
- The devotional life of the preacher
- Principles of exegesis
- Discovering Christ in the text
- Connecting to the bigger story of Scripture
- Proclaiming the Gospel in every sermon
- Understanding your audience
- Developing a storied outline
- Defining your practical and divine expectations
The structure and content of this training is done in such a way that seasoned and beginning preachers can all learn simultaneously how to connect with Christ in the preparation process, preach effective sermons, and train others to do so as well.
Each participant will:
- A hard copy of the book Beholding and Proclaiming: Reimagining the Art of Preaching, Reclaiming the Training of Preachers
-- An individual training manual for hands-on practical exercises
June 25th | 9am – 3pm
Lex Hill, 1620 Lexington Avenue
$25 / person | Lunch included